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Emily Butler

Registered Psychologist


Publications & Presentations

  • Penney, S., Young, G., Maich, K., & Howell, E. Promoting home-school communication surrounding children with disabilities: Parental perceptions in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. In D. Jahr & R. Kruschel (Eds.), Inclusion in Canada: Perspectives on cultures, structures, and practices. Weinheim, Germany: Beltz Verlag.

  • Presented the previously noted publication in a Doctoral Series Presentation alongside Dr. Sharon Penney and Dr. Gabrielle Young at Memorial University.

  • Presented the previously noted publication in a conference held by The Learning Disability Association of Newfoundland alongside Dr. Sharon Penney and Dr. Gabrielle Young at Memorial University.

  • “Self-empowerment for success” by Dave Penney. An article about my work at the MUN Student Wellness and Counselling Center. Published in the Luminus MUN Magazine, March 2019. Retrieved from

  • “Children as researchers: Examining children’s perception of inclusion” presented at the 2019 AERA conference in Toronto. This presentation stems from the data from my thesis

  • Young, G., Philpott, D., Butler, E., Maich, K., & Penney, S. (2019). Exploring the impact of quality early child education on special education: Can we prevent placement in special education? Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 6-21.

  • Penney, S., Young, G., Butler, E., Maich, K., & Philpott, D. (2019). The role of quality ECE in facilitating mental health and well-being in children. Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 57-76.

  • Maich, K., Davies, A., Penney, S., Butler, E., Young, G., & Philpott, D. (2019). Young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The earlier we begin, the better. Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 77-91.

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